Geology rocks!

Woohoo! Link to this website

    my   new
                      This is such a useful tag "<pre>"

to-do list

A large wall of text in order to perform testing, including padding, margins and scrolling capabilities. Not intended to remain indefinitely for the duration of this website's life, but rather to serve as a constant reminder to myself of the never-ending requirements of building a website and how little of what I originally set out to achieve I have actually accomplished; but to also remind myself of the wonders of computing, that I may continue to develop such a basic website into something far more beautiful and advanced than I could ever have dreamed of in its inception.

Another large wall of text in order to perform testing, including padding, margins and scrolling capabilities. Not intended to remain indefinitely for the duration of this website's life, but rather to serve as a constant reminder to myself of the never-ending requirements of building a website and how little of what I originally set out to achieve I have actually accomplished; but to also remind myself of the wonders of computing, that I may continue to develop such a basic website into something far more beautiful and advanced than I could ever have dreamed of in its inception.